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Beyond bulb recycling: How do I get LEED-certified?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Getting your building LEED-certified is an increasingly popular goal for environmentally conscious facility managers. However, a lot of people (including myself) have no clue what it actually takes to get their building LEED certified. While recycling your fluorescent bulbs, batteries, and other universal waste is absolutely necessary for a LEED rating, there are a ton of other things you can do to get LEED “points” as well. This great article from the Dallas Morning News gives multiple examples, as well as a list of how many points are required for different LEED ratings (Silver, Gold, Platinum, etc.).
Here’s a few that I saw that are super-easy to do. Please post any of your ideas too!
Give preferred parking for fuel-efficient cars. (1 point)
Use low-emitting adhesives and sealants in flooring. (1 point)
Provide secure bike racks within 200 yards of the building entrance and provide showers and changing facilities for riders. (1 point)
For more information about LEED or the U.S. Green Building Council visit
Not another boring corporate blog…
Monday, May 18, 2009
Welcome to the brand new blog!
My name is Aaron Griffith and I will be the lead blogger and your go-to guy for all information and discussions here on the blog.
I currently collect or write most of the material on, and I’m hoping that this blog will be a better way that I can help provide visitors with helpful info on recycling, important industry updates, and even the
occasional entertaining video in my posts.
Here’s the thing- I can’t do this without you. Obviously this blog needs readers, but what it really needs to be is a conversation. I want everyone to feel free to comment on posts, suggest ideas for future posts, and discuss with each other whatever you would like. Hopefully this blog will be a place where you can connect with others that are interested in recycling, facility management, green technology, etc. Also, feel free to email me directly if you would like at with any questions or ideas that you may have.