Bulb recycling for the lazy
Monday, June 22, 2009
Today I stumbled across a promo for a new show on the Sundance Channel called the Lazy Environmentalist. It’s just what it sounds like: a guy trying to find easy ways to be “green” that don’t take much extra effort.
Haven’t seen the show yet (it premiered on June 15), but the host Josh Dorfman sounds like my kind of guy. He’s not interested in spending tons of time, energy, or money finding ways to keep the environment healthy; he wants to find easy things to do that are actually helpful and that don’t require him to turn into a full time tree-hugger.
Fortunately, this is possible, especially when it comes to recycling fluorescent lamps. Using a program like EasyPak takes no more time than putting bulbs in the trash (just put them in the EasyPak boxes or buckets and call to have FedEx pick them up- it’s that simple!). In the case of the Bulb Eater, it is actually cheaper and easier to crush bulbs than boxing and storing lamps for disposal (see why here)!
So to all my fellow couch-dwelling, late-sleeping, potato-chip munching lethargics, let’s recycle some bulbs! And then back to the TV Land reruns…
I just read your post and found it to be an interesting one with some very useful information. It also contains some new strategies to deal with the problems arising with the disposal of bulbs.