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We Want Your Feedback!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

At LampRecycling.com, we are always seeking to improve our products and services and provide you a better overall recycling and customer experience. Our goal is to provide a quality recycling program that is easy and economical.
We place a high value on how our customers feel about their experience with Air Cycle, so we want to hear from you! Click the link below to check out our new feedback page and let us know how we are doing!
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For more information on the EasyPak™ recycling program from LampRecycling.com,
click here. Feel free to
contact us at anytime with questions about any of our products.
Group vs. Spot Relamping: A Cost Comparison
Monday, July 12, 2010

The time to relamp arrives sooner or later at every facility. But is it better to replace each individual lamp as it burns out, or to replace all lamps in a lighting system at one time?
Reliant Energy crunches data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in this informative article comparing the costs of the spot and group relamping methods. The article also explains how to make the most of relamping by maximizing light quality and logistical efficiency.
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• Checking for broken or damaged lampholders. One reason for lighting failure often missed during spot relamping is a cracked lampholder or socket that could lead to a smoking fixture if a short circuit results.
• Following up on ballast and lamp warranties. Most lighting maintenance firms routinely handle such paperwork.
• Recycling lamps. Many facilities seeking LEED points or other green status may wish to hand this task over to a firm that knows the most economical and acceptable ways to meet requirements.
• Securing available incentives. Some lamp manufacturers occasionally offer rebates or discounts, while a few states offer incentives for cutting wattage, which may be available when switching to low-power lamps during group relamping.
• Setting up and maintaining a lamp/ballast database. Knowing the location, specifications and last installation date of every lamp and ballast goes a long way to cutting down occasional spot relamping time, while greatly helping future upgrades.
The EasyPak™ prepaid fluorescent bulb recycling system from LampRecycling.com is perfect for disposing of the spent bulbs produced during relamping projects. Click here for information on recycling for facilities that generate larger amounts of lamps or other waste.