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New Universal Waste Factsheet from LampRecycling.com
Friday, March 18, 2011

If your facility uses fluorescent lamps, lead acid batteries or mercury-containing electronics, there is a good chance that the disposal of these materials is regulated under universal waste rules. Universal waste rules govern the disposal of these wastes under special, streamlined regulations to make hazardous waste management a little easier.
This factsheet from LampRecycling.com provides an introduction to universal waste rules, the specific wastes they regulate, and what they mean for your facility.
LampRecycling.com also offers universal waste recycling solutions for any size facility.
Lighting Controls: Luxury or Necessity?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

For most facility managers, controllable lighting falls into the "good-to-have" but not "essential" category. But according to a
recent article from FacilitiesNet.com, lighting controls are one of the most effective means of reducing facility energy consumption.
The article explains how controlled lighting can achieve energy savings of 15 to 80 percent in addition to savings obtained through a lighting system upgrade. The article also reviews lighting control strategies like astronomical time clock scheduling, occupancy sensing, and daylight harvesting.

Even with controlled lighting, fluorescent bulbs eventually burn out. When they do, recycle them using
EasyPak™ prepaid lamp recycling containers. EasyPak is convenient to use, and includes access to
online tracking tools like recycling reports and certificates.
Click here to learn more.