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Free Webinar: Implementing Efficient Lamp Recycling
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tune in at 12:00 pm CST on Wednesday, June 22 for a free webinar as Joe Day, senior account executive at Air Cycle Corporation, explains why recycling spent fluorescent lamps matters and how to select and implement the most efficient recycling method for your facility.

Date: Wednesday, June 22
Time: 12:00 pm CST
Length: 20 minutes
New State E-Waste Laws in Effect
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Last year, seven states passed legislation mandating statewide electronic waste recycling, bringing the the total number of states with such laws to 25, according to this article from Electronics TakeBack Coalition. If you haven't already learned about the regulations governing the disposal of e-waste in your
state, now is the time to read up as more states have already or will soon introduce e-waste disposal legislation.
The article includes a map comparing current and newly or soon to be introduced state e-waste legislation. Laws vary extensively from state to state, so check with your state environmental agency to learn how your e-waste is regulated.

EasyPak™ prepaid mail-in containers from
LampRecycling.com make it simple to recycle electronic waste, spent fluorescent lamps, ballasts, and batteries. The automatic reordering
Sustainable Program minimizes paperwork, can be canceled at any time, and only ships a replacement container after the full container is mailed in.
Click here learn more or
sign up now.