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Key Principles to Maximize Light Quality and Efficiency
Thursday, September 29, 2011

The goals of a typical lighting system seem straightforward: the facility should be well-lit and energy efficient.
But making it happen can be a challenge.
This article from FacilitiesNet provides the key principles to remember when designing a lighting system, in order to turn these goals into reality.

Sustainability: The Great Differentiator
Friday, September 23, 2011

When a business thinks about going green with its facility operations, an important question is "How much will it cost?" Despite the upfront expenditures that facility greening can require, a growing body of evidence demonstrates that in addition to environmental benefits, sustainable commercial buildings make good business sense, too, according to
this article from FMLink.
Difficult economy aside, green operational techniques such as implementing high-efficiency lighting systems and fluorescent lamp recycling programs can generate a financial return in the form of energy savings and a polished "green" image.
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Free Webinar: An Introduction to Lamp Recycling Regulations
Monday, September 12, 2011
Tune in at 12:00 pm CDT on Thursday, September 29 for a
free Air Cycle Corporation
webinar, "An Introduction to Lamp Recycling Regulations" as Justin Hayes, account executive at Air Cycle, discusses the reasons for lamp recycling regulations, what they mean for facilities, and how to keep your facility regulatory compliant.

Date: Thursday, September 29
Time: 12:00 pm CDT
Length: 20 minutes
Illinois Expands E-Waste Recycling Law
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Effective for calendar year 2012, Amendments to the Illinois Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act adds to the list of electronics that are required to be recycled, according to
this article from Waste & Recycling News.
The law also increases the and increases the fine for violations of the law from $1,000 to $7,000, according to the article.

EasyPak™ Electronics Recycling Container from LampRecycling.com holds 69 pounds of e-waste, including any electronic components that power on and have any chip or board parts such as computers monitors, telecom gear, fax machines, and televisions. Complimentary
online Recycling Reports make it simple to measure recycling impact.