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Lighting 101: Key Principles
Monday, November 14, 2011

The goals of a typical lighting system seem straightforward: the facility should be well-lit and energy efficient.
But making it happen can be a challenge.
This article from FacilitiesNet provides the key principles to remember when designing a lighting system, in order to turn these goals into reality.

Despite great management, the lamps of even the most efficient lighting system eventually burn out. When they do, recycle them using
EasyPak™ mail-in containers. EasyPak saves time and effort with included prepaid return shipping and optional Sustainable Program automatic reordering.
Learn more » EasyPak™ recycling containers
Celebrate America Recycles Day!

Sometimes, the idea of keeping harmful materials out of the environment can seem like a no-brainer. But many individuals and businesses are still unaware of the negative environmental impacts that can result from throwing away things like old batteries or a spent fluorescent lamp.
On November 15, thousands across the country will act to change that through events celebrating America Recycles Day, a nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting recycling in the United States.
Click here to search for events in your area, and take a moment tomorrow to recycle some waste, and remind a friend to do the same. offers simple and cost-effective
EasyPak™ prepaid mail-in recycling containers for recycling spent fluorescent lamps, ballasts, batteries, and electronic waste.
Learn more » EasyPak™ recycling containers
Waste Audit Webinar Available to View and Download
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Featuring Tom Griffin, director of Greener Results environmental consulting, the free, 45-minute
webinar covers how a waste stream audit can help an organization measure current green practices, identify waste regulatory-compliance and cost issues, and guide improvements in sustainability.
EasyPak™ Tools: Recycling Reports
Friday, November 4, 2011's online EasyPak™ tools, including Certificates of Recycling, Container Tracking, the Sustainable Program, and Recycling Reports, come complimentary with the purchase of any EasyPak™ container.
The Recycling Reports tool enables EasyPak™ users to access live, visual reporting of the amounts of waste recycled at your facility. With the reports, facility managers can track progress, set goals, and support green marketing initiatives.

EasyPak™ Sustainable Program is a tool that can save facility managers time and effort. After any full EasyPak™ container enrolled in the program is shipped and processed, a replacement container is automatically reordered and sent to the facility, minimizing paperwork and ensuring that a facility always has recycling containers on-hand.
How it works » EasyPak™ Sustainable Program