Welcome to the blog. Here you can find the latest industry and company news, read expert opinions on a variety of topics, and see other unique items that catch our attention. Feel free to join the conversation!
New EasyPak™ Box Streamlines Loading Process
Saturday, June 30, 2012
What would make mail-back lamp recycling even easier? How about eliminating that annoying bag from the packaging?
Air Cycle's upcoming new EasyPak™ product does just that, speeding the loading process and minimizing outside breakage, while meeting the highest standards of mercury containment using a specially-treated box!
Look for more on the box, coming soon!
Air Cycle Adopts A Road
Friday, June 29, 2012

Late last year, spearheaded by Senior Account Executive Joe Day, Air Cycle joined the local Adopt-A-Road program, adopting a portion of Interstate 53 in our home town of Lisle, IL.
And two clean-ups later, this well-traveled stretch is looking better than ever!

The Adopt-A-Road program aims to "promote environmental and ecological awareness within the Village, as well as community involvement," themes echoed in Air Cycle's
Core Value of Environmental Stewardship in which we "strive to care for our environment and enable others to do the same."
Jen Represents Air Cycle at Benefit 5K
Friday, June 22, 2012
Air Cycle's very own Jen Hosler made the news last week week leading the pack at the Benefit for Abbie 5K in Montgomery, IL near our company headquarters in Lisle (photo at right).
Jen spearheaded the effort at Air Cycle to raise funds to help cover the medical bills for local infant Abbie Valdes, who was born with heart defects and an immune deficiency. We're always very proud when one of our own steps up to make a difference in our community. Way to go, Jen!
Read the full story »
Air Cycle CEO Elected to ALMR Board
Monday, June 18, 2012
We're pleased to announce that Scott Beierwaltes, CEO of's parent company, Air Cycle Corporation, has been elected to a two-year membership on the board of the Association of Lighting and Mercury Recyclers (ALMR)!
ALMR is dedicated to working with recyclers of lighting and mercury like Air Cycle and to education about mercury and recycling regulations.
Board members are tasked to serve and advise ALMR-member lighting and mercury recyclers, a responsibility echoed in our
Core Values of Teamwork and Expertise.
Please join us, as we congratulate Scott!
Our Core Values »
Did You Know? Free Industry Newsletter Available
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Did you know that offers a monthly enewsletter with all the latest recycling, regulations, industry news, and other items of interest that catch our eye? And that it's completely free?! Sign up today and join exactly 6,192 other subscribers! For a taste of what it's like, take a moment to browse the
newsletter archive.

Also, don't forget to check out the other great resources available through including our
article library, interactive
state regulations map, EasyPak™ features
explainer videos, and visual breakdown of the lamp
recycling process.
EasyPak™ Ad, Explained
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
If you've never noticed before, take a closer look the next time you see an advertisement for EasyPak™...what do you see? Anything a little different? Although it may not seem immediately obvious, hidden in the ad are the two hands of a clock as shadows, emphasizing that it's
time to go green!
The award-winning ad was designed a couple of years ago by one of our friends at
DevBridge, a Chicago web development company, and is a fun way to introduce the EasyPak™ program.
Here's another fun
facility-related ad...wonder what managing this building would be like!
Monday, June 11, 2012
A key part of Air Cycle's identity is building strong customer relationships. Thinking about that recently, I realized that though I've been blogging for Air Cycle at for almost two years, I've never taken the time to properly introduce myself! My name is Daniel Krall, and I'm a Project Coordinator in Marketing. I am lead blogger, and write many of the materials that appear on as well as contribute to web design, product development, customer care programs, graphic get the idea, a bit of everything!
I'd love to talk with you about facility management, recycling, and your experience with, and I invite you to comment on blog posts, offer suggestions, and connect with me and our company at,, and You can also email me directly at
Looking forward to hearing from you!
New Upcoming EasyPak™ Product
Sunday, June 10, 2012
One of Air Cycle's core values is innovation, which we pursue in order to improve our solutions and make recycling as simple and efficient as possible for our customers.
And in keeping with our commitment to innovation, this summer Air Cycle will announce a product that will revolutionize pre-paid lamp recycling boxes! Look for more on the new product in June!