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New Pennsylvania E-Waste Law Starts Jan. 24
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Beginning January 24, 2013 a new law in Pennsylvania will go into effect that prohibits the disposal of most electronic wastes in landfills through the normal trash system, according to
this article from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Instead, electronics covered by the law will need to be recycled.
Devices covered by the new law, called the Covered Device Recycling Act, include spent televisions, desktop and laptop computers, computer monitors, accessories such as printers, and tablet computers such as iPads or Kindles.
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Free AS&HF Lamp Recycling Webinar Next Week
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Air Cycle has partnered with American School & Hospital Facility, a magazine dedicated to enabling the efficient, economic, and green operation of facilities, to produce a
webinar about lamp recycling.
free webinar, entitled "
Recycling Fluorescent Lamps: Why, How, and What Happens If You Don’t!" will be broadcast on Thursday, January 17 of 2013 and feature Tom Griffin, a 12-year veteran of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and an expert on lamp recycling.
Date: Thursday, Jan. 17
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM EST |
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