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DOT battery recycling update
Thursday, July 30, 2009

The U.S. DOT has released some new rules for packaging batteries for recycling that amend their previous regulations that mandated the taping or bagging of all batteries. The nice thing is that these new updated rules should be a relief for people that recycle their batteries. You can read the full update and see
here or
contact us if you need clarification, but here's the basics of what you need to know:
- You no longer have to tape or bag alkaline 1.5 volt batteries (1.5 volt batteries include AA, AAA, C, and D)
- However, if non-alkalines are going to be mixed with alkalines in your recycling containers, the DOT requires that you insulate all the batteries. If you are placing alkaline 1.5 volt batteries in an EasyPak container with non-alkaline batteries you must tape or bag all the batteries in the container.
Here's a tip: because you still have to tape all battery terminals if you mix alkalines and non-alkalines, I would advise simply using two seperate EasyPak containers, one for each type. Put them next to each other in your facility and mark which battery types should go in each.
I hope this helps clarify the new rules. However, regulation stuff can be tricky, so again, please feel free to
contact us with any more questions.
Teavana using EasyPak to recycle bulbs
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Here's a little news for any tea connoisseurs out there (or bulb recycling connoisseurs, but I suspect their numbers are much smaller): national tea retailer Teavana recently started using EasyPak at all 100 of its stores. You can read more about Teavana's fluorescent bulb recycling with EasyPak
If you have any cool bulb recycling or EasyPak news that's been "brewing" lately at your company (pun intended), let me know on the comments or by emailing me at
aaron@aircycle.comBy the way, Teavana's a really neat company- visit one of their stores to try out their great blends, or you can order tea online at
EasyPak fluorescent recycling featured on Earth911
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Earth911 has consistently been one of my favorite environmental resources on the web. It's a leading source of helpful articles and reports on the latest in green technology, regulations, recycling, and a whole lot more. I personally have enjoyed their articles on fluorescent recycling and simple household greening tips.
"Capitalizing on the new legislation, Air Cycle has upgraded the services of its site. The company offers recycling reports, certificates and tracking of shipped bulbs so its customers can be in compliance with CFL recycling laws."
Sodexo selects EasyPak for its universal waste recycling needs
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I’m pleased to announce that Air Cycle (’s parent company) has begun a corporate-wide partnership with Sodexo, Inc. to recycle universal waste at their facilities all over the country. Sodexo is a leading provider of facilities management services in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, with over 10 million customers at 6,000 locations. As part of this partnership, Sodexo will be utilizing the EasyPak Sustainable Program, giving them access to a convenient and cost-effective recycling solution as well as neat features like reporting and recycling certificates.
We are always looking for new corporate recycling partners. If you have multiple facilities and you would like to explore the extra benefits available for corporate partners, please visit our consulting site at or contact me at
But if you just want one or two EasyPak containers, that’s cool too (you gotta start somewhere, right?). Check them out here.