DOT battery recycling update
Thursday, July 30, 2009

- You no longer have to tape or bag alkaline 1.5 volt batteries (1.5 volt batteries include AA, AAA, C, and D)
- However, if non-alkalines are going to be mixed with alkalines in your recycling containers, the DOT requires that you insulate all the batteries. If you are placing alkaline 1.5 volt batteries in an EasyPak container with non-alkaline batteries you must tape or bag all the batteries in the container.
Here's a tip: because you still have to tape all battery terminals if you mix alkalines and non-alkalines, I would advise simply using two seperate EasyPak containers, one for each type. Put them next to each other in your facility and mark which battery types should go in each.
I hope this helps clarify the new rules. However, regulation stuff can be tricky, so again, please feel free to contact us with any more questions.
you have a number of fantastic resources here! thank you and i will be back often!
Thanks! Glad you are enjoying it!
It is a nice blog with some very useful piece of information. I never knew that alkaline batteries like AA and AAA do not require taping, it is only required when you have to mix these with the non-alkaline ones. Thank you for the information.