Fluorescent bulb recycling for churches, worship facilities
Monday, November 9, 2009

Worship Facilities magazine recently profiled LampRecycling.com on their website, discussing how users can use the site to order their own EasyPak containers, view online recycling reports to track their church's green progress, and receive certificates of recycling that officially recognize their efforts.
If you are a part of a church or religious organization that wants to do the right thing for the environment, I'd recommend checking LampRecycling.com and EasyPak out. Recycling your bulbs, batteries, ballasts or e-waste with EasyPak is a simple and low-cost step you can take to help your facility and congregation reap instant green results.
To order EasyPak containers or to find out more info, click here.
I think it's a good thing that the church is doing their part in helping our environment because they are a good influence to our nation.