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Introducing VaporShield®...Lamp Recycling Made Easier
Friday, August 24, 2012
VaporShield® is here! Air Cycle Corporation is very pleased to announce our brand new
VaporShield® mail-back lamp recycling box, the latest advancement in lamp recycling box design. We're committed to innovation in the pursuit of continually improving our products, and VaporShield® will help make recycling lamps easier than ever for facility managers.
In VaporShield®, a fresh approach to mail-back box design yields a simpler box setup and a safe, faster loading process. The new container eliminates the plastic liner and folding flaps of the conventional mail-back box in favor of two self-adhesive end caps and a specially treated corrugated matrix that safely contains mercury vapor in the event of breakage during storage or shipment.

The simplified packaging and convenient loading procedure of the box minimize the risk of outside breakage and encourage the recycling of lamps. The box also includes the full value-adding suite of features offered by the EasyPak™ program including Sustainable Program automatic reordering, online Certificates of Recycling and Recycling Reports, and Container Tracking.
We're excited about how the new box will make it easier and faster than ever for facility managers to recycle lamps and keep hazardous mercury out of the environment.
Watch the VaporShield® video to learn more or
read about the new box »
5 Facts About Lighting Regs Every FM Should Know
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Unless you've had your head in the sand this year, you've probably heard at least a little about the new lighting regulatory changes that came in 2012. Shifting efficiency standards, lamp phase-outs, lighting upgrades, tax deductions...if you're lost in the swirl of new information, you're probably not the only one.
Here to clear up any lingering confusion, or perhaps introduce a regulatory item that's new to you is
this article from Green Manufacturer. The article covers five important facts to know about what's new in lighting regulations for 2012, and details action steps to help you're facility keep pace with the changes.
Where Fluorescent Lamps Go to Die
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Everything dies in time, and that includes fluorescent lamps. After each bulb burns out, it needs to be shipped to a processing center, the place where lamps go to die, and be recycled back into useful materials.
With EasyPak™, to recycle lamps all you have to do is purchase a container, fill it with bulbs upon arrival at your facility, and ship it back out using the included prepaid shipping label. The process is so convenient and hassle-free that you may not even wonder what happens to the lamps once your EasyPak™ container goes out the door...and that's the way it's supposed to be!
But if you ever did stop to ask where your fluorescent bulbs go to die, your question would be answered with this
nationwide map of recycling centers covering the location of each lamp processor that partners with Air Cycle. Click a recycling arrow on the map to learn details about that recycling facility.
For the gory details, read about the
processing of fluorescent lamps »
And to complete your knowledge about the life cycle of fluorescent lamps, watch this video showing
how lamps are manufactured »
A Warm Air Cycle Welcome to James Erve!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
This week, Air Cycle added another new teammate to the crew: James Erve. James joins Air Cycle as a member of the Sales Support team and will be helping to manage customer data and order processing.
Hailing originally from Kalamazoo, MI, James now calls Aurora, IL home and enjoys spending time with his kids, traveling, and writing in his spare time. Welcome aboard, James!
Why Convert to an EasyPak™ Sustainable Program?
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
"Why should I convert my recycling containers to an
EasyPak™ Sustainable Program?" That's a great question! The Sustainable Program is a system that triggers a new order for a replacement EasyPak™ container after your original container has been shipped and processed.

The program can save time and effort by eliminating the hassle of manually reordering EasyPak™ online or over the phone.
Plus it guarantees that you'll always have a container on-hand when needed to recycle waste: no need to set reminders or worry about forgetting to reorder.
But don't take our word for it. Here's what one
Sustainable Program user has to say...
"Auto re-order is very helpful. When we fill the bucket and send it back a new one ships automatically. It helps us to accomplish our recycling goals."
- The Concept Farm
New York, New York
Learn more about the Sustainable Program or
Enroll Now »